Vive Latino 2020

For Vive Latino 2020, our team at Amontik Animation was asked to create animated content for the festival that follows closely their already established branding. In addition to the 180 ↓Band Title Animations↓ used to introduce each act, we were tasked with creating 10 unique ↓VJ Loops↓ on the theme of environmental awareness, and 3 ↓Vive Latino Title Animations↓.



These animations were created on the theme of environmentalism. Ocean, Land, and Sky- the three intrinsic parts of our environment. Each 3D scene was made in Notch and features an element of “pollution” to underline the impact man has had on the environment.



We were tasked with creating 75 band animations as well as 15 headliner animations to introduce each act. Because the festival stages have the central screen plus two vertical side screens, we had to make separate, coordinated animations for the side and central screens; which meant that in total we delivered 180 video files.



Finally, we created 10 unique “VJ Loops”, or visual content that the festival could mix and match to play on the festival screens between acts. The theme here was again the environment, and so we decided to highlight 6 of Mexico’s endangered species; Coyote, Parrot, Jaguar, Axolotl, Turtle, and Quetzal. These animations also feature elements of environmental destruction that these species may experience. To accompany the animals, we also created 4 general “environment” VJ loops on the theme of Sky, Ocean, Land, and City.