
UV45 is a track produced by a joint-effort of two Montréal based DJs, Moses Belanger and The Holy. The video features a 3D scan of the marble sculpture “La Seine” by Antoine Coysevox from The Louvre Museum. Originally, this sculpture was made as an allegorical figure of the river Seine in France. The world I created for the video is a reflection of unconscious thought, where physical action is frozen in time and thoughts and feelings have reign.

The video was created entirely in Notch; a solid test-run to merge my passion of real-time rendering and animated video production. Using a real-time 3D tool such as Notch has huge benefits for video production, including a WYSIWYG workflow that greatly increases production speed and lookdev development, quick render times for rapid iterations, and in-software editing.

Based on my experiences, I fully expect to Notch become more widely used in video production in general. For more information on this video, click
→here to read the Notch article.